Word of the Day… “Naif”

Posted by destiny on August 27, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

I use dictionary.com a lot when I want to confirm that I’m spelling something correctly… anyway, my point is that every day on their main page, there’s a “Word of the day” and I think it’s funny.  Today’s word was “Naif”.  What a weird word.  I’m sure people could often use that word to describe […]



Posted by destiny on August 21, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

Last night Bart and I went up to Larry H. Miller Subaru and about 3 1/2 hours and $30,000 later… Bart now has his dream car.  I can’t even describe how happy it makes me to see him in that.  I know it just sounds like a cliche “dream car”, but no… I mean DREAM.  […]



Posted by destiny on August 18, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

I always want to put pictures on here and I just never do… Here will be my first.  (I actually took these from Heather’s blog because I haven’t uploaded mine yet.) In Uniform Salute Christopher Hall, Kenneth Hall, Elijah Hall & Donald Hall Kroeber


Slow down!

Posted by destiny on August 18, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

Today has been CRAZY!  I guess I just didn’t really think about how busy it was going to be.  I knew tomorrow would be busy, but yeah… wasn’t prepared for it to be slammed today.  Today has flown by really fast and then about ten minutes ago, came to a screetching halt.  I don’t even […]



Posted by destiny on August 14, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

So… today I went to lunch with my whole family because my Dad’s father has come into town.  He (and his wife) live in Florida and to make a long story short, I’ve met them once in my entire life and I was about 3 years old.  I don’t remember him at all.  He’s never […]


August 11, 2008

Posted by destiny on August 11, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

Monday, August 11, 2008 Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22) You can easily fool yourself today, inadvertently mixing up fantasy with reality. Additionally, you are so good at telling stories now, you can convince others to believe in nearly anything that seems real to you. This is a powerful combination for love, but a relationship […]


Day 220 of 2008

Posted by destiny on August 7, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

It IS day 220 of 2008.  This year was a leap year, right?…. :\ There isn’t a whole lot of reason for this post today other than work is fairly slow today, I’m technically on my “lunch” break and I have nothing pressing to attend to.  Becky isn’t here today and neither is Kent, so […]

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