In Love

Posted by destiny on September 30, 2009 in 2009 Entries |

Yes, with a bag.  I can’t help it, but my co-worker showed me this bag a while ago after she attended a party with one of her friends.  She bought one and got it quickly.  Ever heard of a “Miche Bag”?  O.M.G.  I’m completely girly when it comes to this.  There can’t possibly be a […]


Only in America

Posted by destiny on September 28, 2009 in 2009 Entries |

Brittany posted a blog today that hit spot on with my feelings this morning.  First of all, it started when I left home this morning.  I was in the turning lane to turn left at the light near my house and a car, which was in the lane to go straight, swerved over and cut […]



Posted by destiny on September 16, 2009 in 2009 Entries |

Harmony finally moved into her house!  She got keys on Friday, Saturday we went up to Sandy to try to help her get things together out of my parents house and went down to Santaquin to help a little (ok, I really wasn’t any help at all other than transporting her computer).  Then Sunday I […]


Baby Steps

Posted by destiny on September 10, 2009 in 2009 Entries |

Today, I lifted my 44 oz. water mug with my right hand.  That might not sound that impressive, but I was very proud.  It hurts, but I can now physically DO it, whereas last week, I could not.  I’m slowly getting strength back in my hand and it’s really encouraging.  Even just last week at […]



Posted by destiny on September 3, 2009 in 2009 Entries |

Meh, that was the first thing that popped into my head. FINALLY, after literally at least a dozen attempts and redirects and being transferred here and there and everywhere… we have officially found out who holds our mortgage.  Funny thing is, I had called them a few days ago because I was directed there by […]

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