Green fever
Posted by destiny on June 15, 2010 in 2010 Entries | ∞
A few posts ago, I introduced my new plants that Lisa helped me pick out. I’ve expressed my surprise that they’re even still alive after just a month 1/2. They’re doing amazingly well and as of last night, I think I’ve discovered why. Lately, I’ve been feeling sort of… sad. With the loss of Sam, […]
Not just words.
Posted by destiny on June 10, 2010 in 2010 Entries | ∞
It was years ago that I heard this quote. I don’t remember where I heard it, I just know it stuck with me really strongly. I guess it’s the same theory as “try, try again” or “never give up”. It’s the same message… it just had stronger meaning. The obstacles that I’ve been through throughout […]