Still breathing
I had an appointment with Sandy today (scheduled over three weeks ago) and I lived through it and of COURSE (as I knew) it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be (emotionally). First of all, I asked her if she remembered or had record of our “agreement” the day I met Dustin’s parents, […]
Birth Mother Syndrom
I read this article today (a small clip from this was posted on the birth mothers forum sometime last year) and I really found it interesting. There are an estimated 6,000,000 birthmothers in the United States – biological mothers who have surrendered their children to adoption (Jones, 1993). I am one of the 6,000,000 – […]
I got an email from Sandy last night. It’s been over a week since I wrote her an email asking about the adoption “agreements” and she hadn’t responded. She finally did and basically just said she has been really busy and that every time she tried to reply to my email, she would be interrupted. […]