La mujer escribe

Posted by destiny on January 23, 2009 in 2009 Entries |

This week went by really fast, which is actually kinda odd to me considering that it’s been a pretty lazy week.  I pretty much finished quarterlies by Monday, Tuesday I went and hung out with Eli and Isaac while Heather and Christopher went to the temple and while I was there, threw my back out […]


Sadly misunderstood

Posted by destiny on January 14, 2009 in 2009 Entries |

Society really doesn’t know much about adoption.  At least the majority of people, I guess.  I try not to let it bother me when people say insensitive or almost stupid things, thinking they’re actually helping me or making me feel better.  I’ll give some tips for things to not say to a birth mother: 1. […]


Flying by…

Posted by destiny on January 12, 2009 in 2009 Entries |

I made it through another year.  Dustin is 7 years old.  It really is surreal to think about.  Sometimes I feel like it never happened, like I saw this all in a movie somewhere and my brain is just thinking it was me that lived it.  Sometimes it feels like it was yesterday that I […]

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