I was just skimming through old pictures this morning and figured I’d remind myself of things that bring a smile to my face. Seems like lately I don’t smile as much as I used to… I’m trying to fix that. Slowly, but surely. I brought Dustin home on Jan. 12th and spent every second I […]
Crossword Puzzle
“Russian ruler of yore”…… wtf?! Yeah, ok. That was question #1-across on today’s crossword puzzle, therefore, I quit. … Lately, work has been really slow. Early January I lost a handful of client, mostly because of cost issues and they went in-house or to someone cheaper, etc. Whatever the reason, the few that I lost, […]
Coping mechanism
The past couple months have been like a whirlwind of shit slapping me in the face. I can’t seem to stand still without feeling like everything is spinning out of control around me and nothing seems to be going right. I’m usually prepared for January to be a difficult month, but I wasn’t even remotely […]
New Shoes
As most everyone knows, I’ve been extremely “off” lately. Not myself… and it’s getting tiring. I’ve tried to stay positive about things, tried to focus on stuff that makes me happy, but sometimes I just need a pick-me-up. Can I just say, I have awesome sisters? Addie sent me shoes yesterday. Not just any shoes… […]
It’s fairly unusual for me to not have the will to write, because writing is my outlet for a lot of things. It helps me deal with my thoughts and feelings and helps me put things in perspective when I can’t make sense of it in my head. The past week or so, talking, thinking […]