
Posted by destiny on February 28, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

Last night was probably the worst night, by far, that I’ve had in the past few years.  I guess it was only a matter of time before I “snapped”.  I don’t know where it came from or what has happened in the cob webs of my mind to cause this, but I’m trying to just […]



Posted by destiny on February 26, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

So, for a fairly outgoing person, I’ve been having an unusually difficult time expressing my thoughts/emotions lately. I don’t know why and it’s starting to get to me. Up until last month, I REALLY thought that I have grown a ton the past 6 years. I’m a birthmother, it’s just who I am and I […]



Posted by destiny on February 21, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

I may have told some of you that I joined an adoption forum last month and I just have to express how amazed I am with how much it’s helped me.  I’ve already gone through 6 years alone (of course I’m not ALONE, but hopefully you know what I mean) and now after 6 years, […]



Posted by destiny on February 8, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

Today is such a beautifully wonderful day.  By the time I got out of the shower this morning and started getting ready for work, the sun was shining and POURING through my windows.  It’s so wonderful.  I’ve been craving the sun really badly this week and I’m really soaking it in now.  We have all […]



Posted by destiny on February 4, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

Every once in a while I just have “one of those days”.  To most people when you say that, it means you’re having a really bad day and everything is going wrong, etc. etc. etc.  To me… “just one of those days”, is when I wake up and the first thing I think about is […]

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