August 11, 2008

Posted by destiny on August 11, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

Monday, August 11, 2008

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You can easily fool yourself today, inadvertently mixing up fantasy with reality. Additionally, you are so good at telling stories now, you can convince others to believe in nearly anything that seems real to you. This is a powerful combination for love, but a relationship that is based on illusion will likely hit the rocks very quickly. It’s best to set imagination aside and stick to the facts.

What an interesting horoscope.  Sheesh.  This is Bart’s:

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Relationship issues just won’t go away; they follow you around these days like a puppy dog nipping at your leg. But these teeth can hurt if you let them, especially if you try to bury unresolved emotional pain from your past. Embrace your shortcomings by accepting where you are in life, but don’t try to change your current attitude by rewriting your history. Write your future instead.

??? LOL  Ok.  Nice.

Anyway, we got back from Vegas last night.  It was fun and not nearly long enough.  It was nice to just be out of Utah.  For some reason the further I am from home, the easier I find it to forget about things that are always weighing on me.  I’m exhausted today, but I just didn’t sleep well at all last night.  I woke up at probably 2:30am with heartburn and never really got back to sleep completely until about 6:00 (at which point I REALLY should have just gotten up for the day).  So, I slept until 7:45, which means I probably hit “Snooze” on my alarm like 10 times and don’t even remember doing it.  I took a fast shower and got dressed and didn’t have time to do my hair or makeup or even get breakfast… so, I’m tired, hungry and feel messy.  I did go into the restroom a little while ago and put SOME makeup on just so I didn’t look like I just jumped straight out of bed and sleep walked to work.  I’m looking forward to the day ending though and hopefully I can get some real sleep tonight.

I’m gonna go to lunch.

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