Posted by destiny on February 17, 2011 in 2011 Entries |

Today was a good day.  The past few days, actually, have been pretty good.  No, I still don’t have a job, but I’m applying for jobs every day and I’m confident that the right job will come to me if I keep trying.  I actually had a pretty awesome interview yesterday (I was there for […]



Posted by destiny on February 7, 2011 in 2011 Entries |

Since I have a fair amount of free time on my hands right now, I figured I would try to write a little more in here since lately I’ve had a bad habit of going looong periods of time without writing anything.  Not that anyone reads this regularly, but still, the purpose of writing is […]


Just sayin’

Posted by destiny on February 2, 2011 in 2011 Entries |

I’m flattered that “Viagra” is such a huge fan of my blog.  Truly.  I really would approve their five dozen per day comments, but decided some people might get offended, so I choose not to.  Just thought I’d throw out a public apology to “Viagra”.  Nothing against you, I just don’t want your comments on […]

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