If I had a million dollars, I’d be rich.

Posted by destiny on November 21, 2009 in 2009 Entries |

I have an iPhone “Plugin” for my blog and attempted to use it today and although it’s great for viewing my blog, it’s not so great for posting to it.  I was gonna attempt to write a blog entry from my phone and it didn’t work.  Like at all, nothing was typing out.  Anyway, disappointed. […]


That’s about it.

Posted by destiny on November 19, 2009 in 2009 Entries |

I’ve been kinda lazy when it comes to writing here lately, although I’ve had PLENTY of time!  Work has been crazy slow the past few months.  Well, really just every other week.  Because of the way Semi-Monthly payrolls have been falling on my regular busy week for Bi-Weekly’s, I’ve ended up having on insanely busy […]

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