Toddler & Life.

Posted by destiny on September 21, 2015 in 2015 |

Amelia is 2 years and 7 months old.  Lately, every time I ask her “How old are you?” she responds with “THREE!”  The first couple times she said that, I just gave her the “you’re silly” face and said “Whaaat?  You’re TWO!” …today when she said it, I suddenly looked at her (sitting on the […]


January 11, 2015

Posted by destiny on September 21, 2015 in 2015 |

This year on Dustin’s birthday, I find myself trying to focus more than ever on the amazing things I have in my life.  I often think too much about what I don’t have, what I don’t know about him, all the things I haven’t witnessed over the past 13 years… and this year is no […]


Busy-ness and Laughter

Posted by destiny on September 26, 2014 in 2014 |

It’s been way too long since my last post and I’ve been feeling like updating for a few MONTHS now, but haven’t found the time.  Life sure is busy (who’da thunk??) I have really been wanting to write a super “fact-filled” entry here, but with things as busy as they are, it just isn’t going to happen […]


On this day, 1 year ago…

Posted by destiny on February 17, 2014 in 2014 |

Wow.  Our baby is a full year old.  What an amazing and surreal feeling.  This tiny little person that was once building her body inside mine has been in our home, in our life and in our arms for 12 full months.  It’s so amazing for me to watch her develop and grow and learn […]


01/10/14 – 01/13/14

Posted by destiny on January 13, 2014 in 2014 |

It’s funny how memories of past dates in your mind just never lessen.  The memories stay just as clear as they were the day after they happened.  I’ve thought a lot about specific memories that have stayed clearer to me than others.  Not necessarily significant ones, like one time when I was a kid, maybe […]

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