“Daddy Bear” Progression…

Posted by destiny on May 26, 2013 in 2013 |
1 Week Old

1 week

1 Month Old

1 month

3 Months Old

3 Months

For those of you who don’t know, the bear is something that Bart bought on our last trip to Vegas (when I was about 6 months pregnant).  He was Amelia’s first gift from her Daddy, therefore I began calling him “Daddy Bear”.  Until she’s old enough to name him herself, that’s what I’m going to refer to him as.  Chances are he’ll always be referred to as such, but it’s up to her.  “Daddy Bear” came into our family on November 14, 2012 from M&M’s World, Las Vegas.  I won’t even tell you how much he cost.  HAHAHA  Lets just say Bart’s purchase of this bear started a discussion of “oh my goodness, you are not buying her a car too!”  We spent like $80 on M&M’s there (and really it was not a huge quantity at all), so you can imagine what the damn bear cost 😛

The yellow chair is a classic, but I know I won’t be able to fit her on that chair forever… *Sigh* (She probably doesn’t fit on it laying like this anymore anyway…)  Pretty soon she’ll be standing on it!  Speaking of which, over the past week or so, she has really developed quite a bit of strength in her legs.  Before, she always wanted to be sitting and now she prefers to stand.  It’s really funny too because she’s just so teeny and she stiffens up and doesn’t want to budge until she gets tired, then she relaxes for a few seconds and quite literally JUMPS right back up.  It really does make us laugh.  She seems to think she’s pretty cool though because she gets all excited and “laughs” …still no real laugh sound though, which is why that word continues to be in quotations… yes, I’m aware that I use quotation marks too much.  LOL

I was thinking this morning that one of the things I miss about “old fashioned” cameras (like actually taking your film to be developed) is that they had time/date stamps on them.  The downside to digital (at least the ones from my phone and honestly my phone is the only camera I use anymore) is that they don’t have dates and often times I can’t pull up a picture that I took weeks ago and know exactly what day that I took it.  I need to somehow track this better, otherwise years from now I’ll be looking through pictures and have no idea when they were taken and how old she was.  Anyway, just thinking out loud.  This is a picture I took on Friday though.  The hat was a little too big for her, so every time she wiggled (which she is doing constantly, of course) it would slide to the side more and more.  Believe it or not, when I put this on her head, I had put it on facing forward.  LOL  She’s ridiculously adorable.

5.24.13Oh… and I love these overalls and am very sad to say that I’m pretty sure they’re too small.  They’re size 0-3 and I basically stopped putting her in 0-3 a few weeks ago, but since these were a little roomier I thought I’d force them for a few more weeks hahaha.  I will be sad to see them go, but I’m probably going to squish her into them at least one more time.  I know it’s really silly (at least I think it is!) but I have a hard time letting go of her clothes.  When she had officially grown out of “Newborn” sizes, I boxed up all her clothes and gave them to Taisha and I was seriously almost tearing up as I was putting them in the box.  I did the same thing with Newborn sizes…. squished them on her until they physically wouldn’t snap anymore.  I’m not doing it on purpose necessarily, I just seriously don’t comprehend how fast she’s growing until suddenly all her clothes have shrunk!  Damn dryer.

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