Just another manic Monday

Posted by destiny on June 9, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

“I wish it was Sundaaaaay”… just kidding.

Today’s really slow at work and I feel like my body is still asleep.  I’m way bored, other than talking to Ki on MSN, which I’m having a blast doing.  It’s so nice to talk to her!  On Saturday Bart and I saw his dad, Julie and his sisters for the first time in 2 years.  It was so much fun.  We went up there (Heber) and got there around 6:30 and we were there ’til 2:00 in the morning!  So, I didn’t get to bed ’til about 5am, then slept ’til about 12:30 Sunday.  Ha.  We went to Zack’s last night and played Apples to Apples (we played up at his dad’s and Bart had so much fun that we went and bought it) and got home around 11 and of course since I had slept like half the day Sunday, I wasn’t tired!  Well I am TODAY because of it.  I didn’t get to sleep ’til probably 1:30 or so, but still had to get up for work.  I’m sure I’ll make up for it tonight.  I bet I’ll fall asleep before 10!

I weighed myself this morning for the first time in about two weeks and I really thought I would have either gained weight, or at least just stayed the same, because since my dumb sunburn, I basically haven’t exercised at all and last week I ate really badly… I lost 5 lbs!!!  I almost cried, I’m so happy :).  Gets me more motivated to jump right back into full exercising now that my sunburn is gone and doesn’t kill.  haha.

Well, I’ve had this window open for like an hour, so I think I’m just going to close it.  lol

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