5 down, 5 to go…

Posted by destiny on October 10, 2011 in 2011 Entries |

Today I completed day 4 of my new job.  Yeah, I got a job in Lindon, doing basically exactly what I was doing before (Payroll Specialist).  So far I love it and I love the people.  I don’t love the drive, but I know I’ll get used to it, especially since when I worked for Mangrove, the daily drive was even farther than this one.  The construction on I-15 definitely doesn’t help things though.

Today I also completed day 5 of Bart being gone.  We stayed up at Zack’s house Wednesday night and they left for the hunt early (before I was awake) Thursday morning and won’t be back until Sunday, the 16th (no clue WHEN on Sunday they’ll be back…)  LOL  The longest we’ve been apart I believe was 5 days, when he went to California for work.  So, knowing that he’d be gone for TEN days this time was kinda weird for me to even think about.  What I didn’t think about though, was that not only will he be gone for ten days, but he has no cell service either… so I have no way to talk to him at all!  At least when he was in California, we still talked and/or texted every day.  So, it’s a really strange feeling.  I hope he’s having fun and I hope they’re being safe, but I admit I’m pretty selfish.  I have a hard time falling asleep without him around and I miss him already.  I find myself worrying about silly things.  I know I shouldn’t worry, but anyone who knows me, knows that I worry about people that I love.  It’s definitely true that “absense makes the heart grow fonder”.  hahaha  I really do miss him, but I’m grateful for the rare times that we are apart like this, because it always makes me realize how lucky I am to have him around all the time.  No particular reason, just that I like talking to him and hearing about his day, and listening to him laugh and playing with Gideon and hugging him when he comes home from work and laying in bed talking about whatever comes to mind.  Oh and Gideon pretty much has just been sleeping a lot – apparently I don’t play with him properly (and he has to get used to me working all day now, too!)

Only 5 ish days to go…… :(

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