1 Year Later

Posted by destiny on August 4, 2011 in 2011 Entries |

This morning after Gideon and I came in from playing outside for a bit, I asked if he wanted a treat and of course he ran straight for his “bed” – where his crate used to be and he still knows that the area where it used to be is “bed”.  I wanted to take a picture of him, as I do often, and after I took it, I realized it was almost exactly the same as a picture I took of him a year ago, just a couple weeks after we took him home.  I can’t believe how much he’s grown, and it’s funny that most of the time, I don’t even notice how big he is until I look at little pictures of him.


August 24, 2010


August 4, 2011

He weighed about 9 lbs. when we took him home for the first time.  He now weighs 93.5 lbs.  WOW, babies grow fast! 😛 but look how handsome :)


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