Day #1
This is the first day of “Unemployment” for me. It’s a strange feeling to get up on Monday morning and not have to go to work. It felt good to get up and do stuff though, even though I knew I didn’t have a job to be to. I woke up at 6:30 (as usual) to let Gideon out, give him breakfast and of course, “Smurfs” is on at 7:00 😉 then got ready (and by “ready”, I mean I threw on my workout pants and a random t-shirt) and headed to Santaquin to go to Zumba with Harmony. I’m SUPER proud of myself for going. For one, most people know that I have a strange phobia of sorts, about going anywhere in Santaquin (or Payson, for that matter) other than my sister’s house, or Robin’s house. I don’t usually like going anywhere else, because honestly, I am slightly paranoid about running into old “friends” from my past, which is something I’d rather just avoid all together if possible… so, the step I took to even GO to Zumba was big. Then the pride that comes with working out at the beginning of the day, aligning the rest of my day for healthy choices (hopefully). There really is a big difference to working out in the morning, rather than the evening. Of course EITHER is good, but I think by working out in the morning, it’s out of your way and you feel good enough that good choices (as far as food, activity, etc.) are easier to make because you already feel good about yourself. This was one thing I admit worried me when I found out I was getting laid off. I was worried that if I’m not able to find a job quickly, I’d fall into a bad habit of sitting/laying around doing nothing and probably just get fatter and fatter.
So, other than the obvious goal of finding a job, my goals for being unemployed (at least making use of my time) is to work out every day so that I don’t allow myself to wallow in the despair of not having a job , followed by giving as much time as possible devoted to training Gideon. I’m hoping for “stay” to sink in as quickly as possible. Having him zipping around your ankles when you’re trying to get out the door to get him his breakfast is quite annoying, not to mention dangerous. LOL. …If I wallow, I’m just going to feel even worse about myself and all in all, end up 500 lbs. and doing nothing but sitting on the couch eating chocolate chips. (What? It’s possible!) By the way, 9:00 is like the PERFECT time to work out. Gives me time to wake up, eat breakfast, watch cartoons (which jump-starts my good mood ) and then be awake enough to actually accomplish an entire workout. So, that’s one thing I’ll miss out on by returning to a 8-5 job :(. Too bad money is such a necessity, otherwise I’d definitely just choose to stay home, work out, write and focus for a little while on training Gideon.
I’m at Harmony’s right now (waiting for her to get out of the shower) and she’s coming to my house with me ’til Brian gets off work. So, hopefully I can accomplish some things at home (particularly laundry today) and have a little fun too And if I don’t get it done today, my next project is to de-junk our bedroom and hopefully just completely get rid of a good HALF of the clothes that are in the bin. *Crossing fingers* I sure wish we had a dresser 😛