
Posted by destiny on January 30, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

Our office flooded last night.  Well, not the whole office, just the whole back of the office.  Apparently the toilet pipe (which is in the back area of the building) leaked or something and now the whole back is flooded.  There have been cleanup people here all morning with huge hoses and vacuums getting rid of the water, so of course we have loud vacuums going, those huge loud fans to dry out and all our stuff is strewn everywhere so we’re kind of tripping over wet boxes, plants, files, etc.  Niiiice.  They put this chemical stuff down and it smells really bad.  I’ve been sneezing like crazy since they put it down and now it hurts to inhale.  It’s similar to the feeling you get when you take a deep breath outside in freezing weather and inhale freezing cold air.  It hurts like that… and now I’ve got a headache and I feel like headed.  It’s making me nauseous.  The doors are open and the fans going, but still… bleeeeh. 

I just developed a really annoying case of hiccups a few minutes ago (I’m sure unrelated to the rest of the stuff) and it’s driving me nuts!  I can’t stand hiccups.  Especially mine… they’re always really dumb abnormal hiccups and they either hurt really bad or make me feel like I’m gonna choke.  I can’t explain.  lol.  Whatever. 

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