Miscellaneous truths you may or may not know:
I am deathly afraid of grasshoppers.
Sorting/putting away socks makes me angry.
I love the sound of snow crunching under my feet.
I love brussell sprouts.
I exaggerate things in my mind a lot. Mostly the possibility of “bad” things happening.
I still think about Dustin every day, even if it’s just for a moment.
I love old movies/shows, particularly “I Love Lucy” and old Carrie Grant movies.
Watching Cartoons on weekend mornings makes me happy.
I worry about money even when we have plenty.
I love to rub Bart’s feet, or scratch his back because if makes me feel needed.
I wish I had the courage to have a crazy cute hairstyle.
I’ve always wanted my nose pierced.
I’m secretly sort of afraid of being in the water.
I get ridiculously grumpy if I don’t shower every day.
I love old Jazz music.
I feel like crying every time I hear the sound of a dog licking.
Sometimes I still get butterflies in my stomach when Bart kisses me.
I’m clumsy and ditsy and have been my entire life.
I despise the term “Prego” when referring to a pregnant woman. Just wanna punch people that say it.
“Valentines Day” annoys me.
I laugh uncontrollably when people fall down.
I hate when people start conversations with “How are you?”
I hate talking on the phone.
Every time I go to Social Services, my hands shake and I feel like I can’t breathe.
I can’t kill spiders. Every time I even consider it, I imagine them having families and losing their loved one.
I have to literally talk myself out of eating shrimp when I see it, because chances are high that it could kill me…. yet I still have to talk myself out of it.