Awesome weekend

Posted by destiny on October 13, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

I had a great weekend, starting Thursday night.  Bart got home a little later than usual (he told me he had to go to Zack’s) and when he got home, I discovered that he had gone over there because he had to wrap my birthday present(s).  He couldn’t take it very long though and ended up wanting me to open them almost right after dinner.  LOL!  He got me a Wii and Mario Kart!  hehehe.  I’ve wanted a Wii for quite a while and Mario Kart is one of (if not my most) favorite games.  It’s so much fun!

Friday night we just stayed home, had dinner together and played Wii almost all night.  LOL  Then Saturday we went to breakfast, played more all day, then went to dinner with Lisa to Olive Garden (now open in American Fork!!!)  Sunday, I discovered that in the Wii box, there was “Wii Sport!”  (I’m glad I didn’t throw the boxes away!)  It has baseball, tennis, golf, bowling and boxing.  It’s so fun!  I haven’t played the baseball yet and I really suck at he golf, but the others are fun!  Boxing is a bit of a work out too 😛  lol.

Yesterday we went to dinner at Heather and Christopher’s and it was a lot of fun.  My mom gave me a pair of earrings and a necklace from Lia Sophia and Lena gave me weighted gloves (YAY!) and some of her home made peach jam.  I “earned” weighted gloves in June when I hit my goal weight for that time, but never went and got them, so I’m really excited that she gave them to me and I’m gonna use them tonight!

Alright, well I better get busy on finishing my quarterlies.  I have to have them done and filed by at least next Monday!

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