Light at the end…

Posted by destiny on July 21, 2008 in 2008 Entries |

I’ve been feeling really down lately about not being able to work out the way I want to.  I tried a couple times last week and the week before and majorly regretted it.  I ended up going to the doctor on Thursday begging for something to help with the pain other than lortab, which basically just puts me to sleep.  He prescribed Naproxin and said to keep taking the Lortab IF I felt I still needed it.  I definitely think the Naproxin is helping tremendously because I can BREATHE now.  If I take it as I should be (twice a day, so I’ve just been taking one in the morning and one when I get home from work) it eases the pain to an ignorable pain.  It hurts really bad in the morning or if I try to move around in bed, but I thank god for the gift of prescription drugs.  Sigh.

I am really hoping that this passes soon.  It’s been feeling significantly better yesterday and today (although it may just be the drugs) so I’m  hoping it will heal faster than he thinks.  He said it could easily be 6-12 weeks to heal even enough for me to resume regular activities and as of this upcoming weekend, it will officially be a whole month.  I MISS TURBO JAM!  I’m trying very hard not to get discouraged with my Biggest Loser Competition because without the ability to exercise “normally”, I feel like I’m not progressing at all.  Last Tuesday at the weigh in, I had actually lost 1 pound for the week and was pleased with that considering the most exercise I’ve done is like 15-20 minutes on my stationary bike and WALKING.  I have been watching what I eat very closely though, so the most I’m asking for right now is that I don’t GAIN any weight.  As soon as I can, I am going to jump back into Turbo Jam FULL FORCE.  I want SO badly to hit my goal for this 12 week challenge and we’re already two weeks into it and I’ve lost ONE pound.  So… one pound a week and I’ll be fine satisfied :).

Bart started working days as of this morning.  *SQUEAL*.  I can’t even describe how happy I am about that.  It feels like Christmas Eve because I get off work in an hour, which means in about an hour from THAT, he will be home! :)  I’m going to try to make a goal and see if he’ll stick with me, but I think it’d be awesome if we could commit to going on nightly walks with each other after dinner or something.  That would be so cool and it would be good for us.  Since he’s working 6am to 6pm, I’m also going to see if I can make myself wake up at the same time he does so I can get some good work outs in BEFORE work.  If I can just make myself get up and get in the habit of waking up early, I KNOW I’d stick to my work outs.  It’s just waking up that’s my problem.  lol.

Anyway, weigh in is tomorrow morning and I’m kinda nervous because I kind of indulged on chinese on Friday night and then ice cream cake Saturday night for Zack’s birthday.  Please no gain! *Crosses fingers*

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