
Posted by destiny on July 19, 2010 in 2010 Entries |

Keenyn Samuel (Pudge) Kroeber

7/16/2010 7 lbs. 9 oz. 18 inches


Keenyn is Heather and Christopher’s 3rd child (and 3rd boy, I might add!)  He’s PERFECT!  hehehe  I’m SURE I’ll have lots more pictures later on :)

I’ve been pretty amazed at the difference in me between Keenyn coming around, compared to other babies.  That probably doesn’t make sense… well, lately, I’ve been struggling (silently) a LOT with the amount of people, particularly people my age, friends, people I went to school with, etc. being pregnant.  Don’t get me wrong, I am absolutely happy for them, but it’s hard to describe.  Every time another person announces they’re pregnant, the ache inside me gets a little harder to bear.  It really doesn’t make sense, but since when do emotions have to be rational or logical?  lol  The reason I say there’s been a big difference between those and now Keenyn is that the second I got the text from my brother with this picture, well… I can’t really describe it.  In a way, I feel this way every time I get a new nephew or niece, because it’s an addition to my heart, but I guess since I’ve been having a particularly hard time lately, seeing him for the first time kinda seems to have patched something.  I’m sure it’s a temporary patch, but still… I guess it’s ’cause I get to be part of this baby.  Everyone around me is having babies, but they’re babies that I don’t necessarily get to hold, or to kiss, or to love.  So, I dunno if it’s just ’cause of that, but… I don’t think I could be more excited if I tried!  I love this little guy.  I got to see him for the first time yesterday.  This weekend was a crazy busy one, so unfortunately I didn’t get to see him until 2 days after he was born… but it was really, really nice having the opportunity to hold him, just with Heather and no one else around (Christopher was at church and the boy’s were at Auntie Polly’s house).  I just got to hold him and look at him for like an hour without having to share him with anyone else.  LOL  Whenever new babies come into our family, it’s kinda like a circus and everyone of course wants their turn and stuff… so, it was really nice for me :)  He’s so teeny too!  I mean, compared to Eli and Isaac as newborns, Pudge is pretty tiny.  But just so, so perfect :).  I can’t wait to see Eli and Isaac with him though!

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