Damn you daylight savings!
Seriously. The title should say it all.
On Saturday when I got done with my workout room, I told myself I was going to do my best to wake up early every day and work out BEFORE work. Yeah… right. So far, that hasn’t happened. It’s too freaking dark at 6:00 AM. I hate it. It’s like my body physically refuses to get up because it thinks it’s still night-time. Doesn’t help that I was woken up a bunch last night (but what’s new, right?) Well, there must have been a fire or something in our general area, because we woke up to Sam HOWLING and after we both JUMPED awake, we heard the sirens. A bunch of ’em. Bart looked out the window (probably to make sure it wasn’t our neighbors or something) but obviously didn’t see anything, so I dunno what it was, but wow… being jerked awake at 3 AM by a howling dog right next to your bed… lets just say I woke up with a headache and I still have it. Blaaaah.
Yesterday’s work out was sort of wimpy. I did 40 minutes, but realistically it was probably like 30, because I think 10 of that I was just blahing around. Blah. Still, better than nothing, right?
This is my quote for the week:
“That would be cool if you could eat a good food with a bad food and the good food would cover for the bad food when it got to your stomach. Like you could eat a carrot with an onion ring and they would travel down to your stomach, then they would get there, and the carrot would say; It’s cool, he’s with me.”
Baaahahahaha. …what? Come on, that’s funny!!!
1 Comment
Dude… if I could pound your fist right now… I would. Kids + Day light savings = Supa grumpy and sleep deprived.